Friday, May 29, 2015

There's a New Homeschooler in Town: Ms. Mommy

If there's one thing I pride myself on, it's my ability to keep a secret. Like a boss. You ask me to keep my mouth shut, and I am not breathing a word to anyone. My daughter Mari, however, holds a secret about as well as a cardboard box holds water. So, seeing as our big secret is starting to leak, I may as well spill the beans.

Remember when I wrote that blog entry about how I would never homeschool my kids? Yeah, well, I lied. After today we are officially a homeschooling family.

I'm nervous.

Of course I'm nervous.

I question my ability as a mom-teacher, but I know this is the right path for my family at this time...


Why? The number one question I get - no surprise - that I wasn't really prepared to answer - surprise!

First of all, this has nothing to do with the fabulous teachers my children have encountered over the years. And, no, I don't think I'm more knowledgeable or a better instructor, and I can't stress enough how much my children and I have loved all of you. If anything, the teachers made my decision more difficult and heart-wrenching.

This also has nothing to do with the children my daughters have been blessed to know and love in our community. We love our little town and would not dream of severing our ties within it. Even though our children won't be learning side by side I am hopeful they will remain friends and companions.

This decision is entirely personal, if not a bit selfish. It boils down to this: I want to spend more time with my children. I want to learn alongside them. I want to teach them the things I know. I want them to experience childhood exploring their interests with the actual freedom to explore, and not sitting at a desk in a classroom, away from their home and family. I want to take away the stress and anxiety of tests and homework and the drive to never fail, and replace it with a thirst for knowledge - just for the wonder of it. I want them to strive for greatness - and sometimes fail - and not have it be a part of any permanent record. I just want them to be kids.

I hope it is the right decision, and I'm grateful I have the school system to fall back on, if needed. If/when the time is right they will return to the classroom, but until then, between the hours of 8ish or 9ish and wheneverish, I will be...Ms. Mommy.

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